Assumptions: Calm down

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Sunday, June 04, 2006
Calm down
Being the patient person i am, i even shocked myself for becoming so angry/mad/a lunatic/foul-mouthed/un-saintly/etc. I guess I have just reached my limit from all the stress/anger/pain building up in me. I can be patient at some times, being able to wait 20 minutes for a plate of noodles-to being really really impatient and start cursing at every moving thing after being pissed off. There are some time my mind go blank and I start talking gibberish.

Thankfully, the day after that post, we played football.I got to release some little bit of the anger building up on the ball. I even found out a theme song helps.

It's another empty day so I have pretty much nothing to crap about anymore. Been watching animes for the past few days . Strawberry Panic! is one good anime, having lotsa eye candy. Ya hafta watched it if you have a lolita complex. To me,it's a great anime, but my point-of-view is rarely shared with other people XD.

*Edit- Might as well post clips from the anime (especially the characters i love <3)>
~~~~The Opening Scene~~~~

~~~Nagisa Aoi~~The Main character, who is from St. Miatre Academy

~~~~Suzumi Tamao-chan~~~~My favourite character from the whole anime <3<3<3>

~~~Hanazono Shizuma /Etoile~~~Also from St. Miatre Academy

~~~~Chikaru, another character i LOVE~~~<3

~~~~This is Hikari Konohana~~~~
From St.Spica Academy

The nice part to this anime - This is a yuri/shōjo-ai anime anyways

And these are random good-looking clips I snapped from the Anime.

There Anime time over XD

*Yes I am an Otaku XD Kheng mou?!



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